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Seaside Stories

Celebrating the Moms in Our Life

May 12, 2013 | by Jon Rahl

Like many holidays we celebrate, it shouldn’t take just a single day to celebrate something. In fact, if anything, a holiday like Mother’s Day should be a reminder that we should celebrate that something (in this case mothers) even more.

Chances are extremely good you’ve been impacted by motherhood. Whether it’s with your own mother, your child, a grandmother or a friend’s mother, that kinship relation is likely to have had grand effect on you. And today I dove into the Seaside Sunday photo archives for an image that sums up what a relationship between a mother and child means to me.

The swing represents the open invitation that a mother always has for the child in her life. Whether it’s through daily conversation, weekly contact or the occasional visit if distance separates the bond, that chair or phone call is closer than we sometimes realize. The bumps in the sand speak to the peaks and valleys during the life of the motherhood relationship. Some may be higher and lower than others but I believe they’ve all helped shaped the human beings we’ve become today.

I also love this photo and how it speaks to motherhood because of the ray of sunshine that sits at the top of the frame. No one is perfect, but I believe there is perfection in the sun, which to me is liken to the smile a mother can bring to our faces after a skinned knee, tough moment or celebration of success we’ve had.

I’m extremely thankful to all of the mothers in our world. Without them, we quite simply don’t exist. There would be no swings to be pushed on, no one to make us chicken noodle soup and no one to call during that moment of crisis – whether it truly was a crisis or not.

If you are a mother that brought her child to Seaside or a child that was brought to Seaside by your mother and created a lasting memory here, you’re in good company. It happens every day because our mothers operate 365 days a year, the same number of days in a year we should honor them. So whether it’s a holiday or not, thank the mother and women in your life that are devoted to motherhood. They deserve our thanks and praise. And to my mom, in case you read this: Happy Mother’s Day! I love you.

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