Tide Tables
Help Us Keep The Beach Clean and Your Coffee's On Us!
Seaside has one of the biggest and longest beaches on the Oregon Coast, so there’s plenty of beach for everyone even at high tide. At low tide look for treasures brought in by the sea - including razor clams - and make use of the firm, wet sand for walking and jogging. Order a free visitor guide for a full year of tide tables.

Learn about the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Shellfish Licenses here.
These predictions are based on readings from the North Jetty of the Columbia River, Station #9440574, that are referenced to Astoria Station #9439040. Time offset in minutes (high: -44: low: -60). Height offset in feet (high: -1.00; low: +0.10). Please Note: Tides can vary by an hour or more from these predictions. Use these tide tables as a general guide to help plan for a safe trip to the beach.